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Major progress made in construction of Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope(图)
弗雷德·杨 亚毫米望远镜 射电天文学
南京信息工程大学大气科学学院Young-Min Yang教授在《Nature Communications》发表厄尔尼诺与中纬度降水研究成果(图)
南京信息工程大学 大气科学学院 Young-Min Yang 教授 《Nature Communications》 厄尔尼诺 中纬度 降水 研究成果
厄尔尼诺现象是指太平洋中东部海水每隔几年就会异常升温的现象,对人口稠密的中纬度地区的降水有着显著影响。在未来全球变暖的背景下,厄尔尼诺是否会导致中纬度降水变化是一个非常有趣的科学问题。我院韩籍教授Young-Min Yang、夏威夷大学Bin Wang教授和韩国延世大学Soon-Il An教授等对厄尔尼诺的未来变化及其对中纬度地区的影响进行了研究,相关成果以“Mean sea surface te...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院袁悦锋*,王凤华*,朱培民等,地空学院, Geophysical Research Letters(2020). New Constraints on the Young Lava Flow Profile in the Northern Mare Imbrium(图)
近日,地球物理著名期刊《Geophysical Research Letters》刊发了我校地空学院袁悦锋博士后、朱培民教授和肖龙教授,联合长江大学、宁波财经大学合作者的研究成果——New constraints on the young lava flow profile in the northern Mare Imbrium。该研究通过重新分析嫦娥三号低频雷达浅层数据,推测出月球雨海北部年轻...
南京信息工程大学大气科学学院Young-Min Yang教授发表在National Science Review发表海表温度多年代际变率研究成果(图)
南京信息工程大学 大气科学学院 Young-Min Yang 教授 National Science Review 年代际 变率
2019年12月24日,《国家科学评论》(National Science Review)杂志以“A Global-scale multidecadal variability driven by Atlantic Multidecadal oscillation”为题,刊登了我院韩籍校聘教授杨咏岷(Young-Min Yang)的最新科学研究。
Galaxies grow by accumulating gas from their surroundings and converting it to stars, but the details of this process have remained murky. New observations, made using the Keck Cosmic Web Imager at th...
2018年9月28日,国际化学生物学学会(International Chemical Biology Society,ICBS)在加拿大温哥华举行的2018年年会上授予北京大学化学与分子工程学院、北大清华生命联合中心王初研究员“ICBS Young Chemical Biologist Award”。该奖项由国际化学生物学学会设立,旨在鼓励和表彰在化学生物学领域取得优秀工作成就的青年科学家(独立...
Many celebrated results in geometry and topology have been proved by geometric analysis approaches in recent years. More and more mathematicians with different backgrounds, e.g. Riemannian geometry, p...
第十二届国际几何,力学和控制青年学者研讨会(Twelfth International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry,Mechanics,and Control)
第十二届 国际几何,力学和控制青年学者 研讨会
The 12th International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control is the last in a series of workshops organised by the GMC Network. Previous events took place in Madrid (2006, 2007...
Many celebrated results in geometry and topology have been proved by geometric analysis approaches in recent years. More and more mathematicians with different backgrounds, e.g. Riemannian geometry, p...
应中科院地球内部物质高温高压重点实验室和地化所青促会的邀请,北京高压科学中心(HPSTAR)研究员Duck Young Kim博士于11月7日访问了地化所并于当天下午作了题为《Computational prediction of novel materials under pressure and experimental synthesis》的学术报告(暨地化所青促会论坛17期)。论坛由地化所...
2017国际星星和行星青年天文学校(International School for Young Astronomers on Stars and Exoplanets)
2017 国际星星和行星青年天文 学校
The International School for Young Astronomers on Stars and Exoplanets will be held in November 26th to December 9th, 2017 in Kunming, China, under the organization of Yunnan Observatories (YNOs) of C...
Low serum ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and other metabolites are associated with poor linear growth in young children from rural Malawi
arachidonic acid carnitine dehydroepiandrosterone docosahexaenoic acid malnutrition pregnenolone sulfate stunting
Background: Stunting affects ~25% of children <5 y of age and is associated with impaired cognitive and motor development and increased morbidity and mortality. The pathogenesis of stunting is poorly ...
Where Food Is Limited,Guppy Mothers Gestate Their Young Longer(图)
Food Is Limited Guppy Mothers Gestate Young Longer
Trinidadian guppy mamas can’t swap links to maternity blogs or copies of pregnancy books, yet evolution has made them master strategists of childbearing nonetheless. A new study shows that guppies who...
Consumption of whole eggs promotes greater stimulation of postexercise muscle protein synthesis than consumption of isonitrogenous amounts of egg whites in young men
protein digestion food protein quality leucine amino acid transporters anabolic signaling exercise
Background: Protein in the diet is commonly ingested from whole foods that contain various macro- and micronutrients. However, the effect of consuming protein within its natural whole-food matrix on p...
In Hunting Supernovae,'Get Them While They're Young'(图)
Hunting Supernovae Get Them They're Young
Not many people can say they have watched a star explode before their eyes, but David Sand can.On the evening of March 10, the astronomer happened to be on duty to monitor results coming in from an au...