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用Lyapunov 指数分析物理双摆的混沌特征
物理双摆 Lyapunov 指数 矩阵QR分解 小球演化法 奇异值分解法曰混沌特征
将一种新型振动机构抽象为双摆的数学力学模型,分别运用矩阵QR 分解法、小球演化法以及奇异值分解法,结合计算机代数系统Mathematica,计算了模型的Lyapunov 指数.结果表明:3 种方法的计算结果基本一致,从而说明了物理双摆的混沌特征,并为双摆在工程设计中的应用提供了有价值的参考.
多变量时间序列 分形维数 混沌系统
分形维数是描述混沌动力学系统的重要参数之一. 根据时间尺度与多维超体体积之间的测度关系, 提出一种多变量时间序列分形维数的计算方法. 通过4 种典型混沌动力学系统所产生的多变量时间序列及其相应不同信噪比混杂序列的仿真计算表明, 所提出方法时间复杂度较低, 所需序列长度较短, 具有一定的抗噪能力, 且无需进行相空间重构, 避免了嵌入维数和延迟时间等参数选取对结果造成的影响, 是计算多变量时间序列分形...
由于能够获得一个既经济又对参数变化不敏感的设计结果,稳健型设计在工程设计中备受关注. 不确定性分析是稳健型设计的关键. 因此研究了基于混沌多项式的不确定性分析方法,并将其与CFD 方法结合,对计算空气动力学设计中的不确定性影响进行了量化分析. 首先以RAE2822 翼型为算例,对其跨音速马赫数不确定影响进行了分析,研究了多项式阶次对计算的影响,分析了平均流场和方差. 接着结合超临界翼型的马赫数稳健...
系统学 模式识别 特征选择 混沌搜索
叶片-转子-轴承系统 弯扭耦合振动 假设模态法 非线性油膜力 混沌运动
一个用于检测微弱复信号的新Duffing 型复混沌振子
复Duffing 方程 混沌检测 微弱复信号 信噪比 检测概率
针对数字通信和雷达等系统数字处理过程中经常使用的复信号, 提出一个新的复Duffing 方程, 分析了其动力学行为. 通过计算最大李氏指数和功率谱, 证明该系统在不同参数下经暂态到达稳态后存在混沌行为和大尺度周期行为. 基于此方程提出一种Duffing 型复混沌振子检测系统, 它利用混沌系统在临界混沌状态下对参数的敏感性及对一定功率范围内的噪声具有免疫力的特性来检测湮没在复高斯白噪声中的微弱复信号...
Chaotic behavior of ion exchange phenomena in polymer gel electrolytes through irradiated polymeric membrane
Porous membrane ion channels polymer gel electrolyte non linear dynamics ion exchange
A desktop experiment has been done to show the nonlinearity in the I-V characteristics of an ion conducting electrochemical micro-system. Its chaotic dynamics is being reported for the first time whic...
Energy efficiency of information transmission by electrically coupled neurons
neurons coding energy mutual information energy Chaotic Dynamics
The generation of spikes by neurons is energetically a costly process. This paper studies the consumption of energy and the information entropy in the signalling activity of a model neuron both when i...
Phase transition in crowd synchrony of delay-coupled multilayer laser networks
Phase transition crowd synchrony delay-coupled multilayer laser networks Chaotic Dynamics
An analogy between crowd synchrony and multi-layer neural network architectures is proposed. It indicates that many non-identical dynamical elements (oscillators) communicating indirectly via a few me...
Kneadings, Symbolic Dynamics and Painting Lorenz Chaos. A Tutorial
kneading invariant symbolic dynamics T-points Lorenz attractor chaos homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits
A new computational technique based on the symbolic description utilizing kneading invariants is proposed and verified for explorations of dynamical and parametric chaos in a few exemplary systems wit...
On finite-size Lyapunov exponents in multiscale systems
Finite-size Lyapunov exponents predictability ensemble generation regimes metastability
We study the effect of regime switches on finite size Lyapunov exponents (FSLEs) in determining the error growth rates and predictability of multiscale systems. We consider a dynamical system involvin...
Collective Almost Synchronization in Complex Networks
Collective Almost Synchronization Complex Networks Chaotic Dynamics
This work introduces the phenomenon of Collective Almost Synchronization (CAS), which describes a universal way of how patterns can appear in complex networks even for small coupling strengths. The CA...
Permutation Complexity and Coupling Measures in Hidden Markov Models
Permutation Complexity Coupling Measures Hidden Markov Models Chaotic Dynamics
In [Haruna, T. and Nakajima, K., 2011. Physica D 240, 1370-1377], the authors introduced the duality between values (words) and orderings (permutations) as a basis to discuss the relationship between ...
A matched filter maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal. In the recent work of Corron et al. [Chaos 20, 023123 (2010)], a matched filter is derived for the chaotic waveforms produced by a pie...