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2022年9月9日,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所光电材料动力学研究组 (1121组) 吴凯丰研究员团队等在胶体量子点超快光物理研究中取得新进展,观测到CsPbI3钙钛矿量子点中激子精细结构裂分导致的系综量子拍频,并提出了一种通过温度诱导晶格畸变进而调控裂分能的新机制。

中国科学院理论物理研究所 博士后流动站 粒子物理 场论 统计物理 凝聚态物理

中国科学技术大学 上海研究院 量子科研 几何与物理研究
中国科学技术大学上海研究院是中国科学技术大学在上海创办的一所新型研究院,以"追随智慧、崇尚创新"为理念,以"领导先进科技、培养顶尖人才"为宗旨,致力于打造国际化、开放式协同创新产学研综合平台。2004年7月,中国科学技术大学上海研究院正式揭牌成立,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者J. Schwarz教授、弦论创始人之一J Schwarz教授以及朱清时、谷超豪等10位中国科学院院士在内的海内外著名专家学者亲临参...
湖南师范大学低维量子结构与调控实验室 量子
湖南师范大学“低维量子结构与调控实验室”可追溯到上个世纪七十年代原湖南师范学院激光物理实验室。1993年和2001年在激光物理研究室的基础上相继成立了“微结构物理实验室”和“现代光学与量子通信实验室”。 2005年在“微结构物理实验室”和“现代光学和量子通信实验室”的基础上组建“量子结构及调控实验室”,2007年获批省部共建教育部重点实验室建设立项。
西华师范大学 精品课程 量子力学
The Department of Physics at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
quantum theory 量子理论 nuclear physics 核物理 Mathematical Physics 数学物理
The Department of Physics at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona offers the BS degree in Physics, and is one of the largest in the California State University system, serving about 70 ...

The Department of Physics at the Saginaw Valley State University
optical physics 物理光学 Chemical Physics 物理化学 Quantum Mechanics 量子力学
The Department of Physics at the Saginaw Valley State University provides a quality undergraduate education in the fundamentals of many aspects of physics as well as more specialized training in the f...

The Department of Astronomy and Physics at the Saint Mary’s University
Astrophysics 天体物理 Optics 光学
The Department of Astronomy and Physics at the Saint Mary’s University is characterized by three research themes. Mitchell, Turner, and Welch are observational astronomers who study such topics as var...

The Department of Physics and Astrophysics at the Keele University
Solid State Physics 固体物理学 Astrophysics 天体物理 Quantum Mechanics 量子力学
The Department of Physics and Astrophysics at the Keele University is at the heart of one of the most attractive campus universities in Britain, with an aim to provide an excellent environment for mul...

The Department of Physics at the University of Hull
Applied Physics 应用物理 Astrophysics 天体物理 quantum mechanics 量子力学
The Department of Physics at the University of Hull has a strong reputation for its teaching. In a recent review conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency, Physics at Hull gained 23 out of a maximum o...

The Department of Physics at the Williams College
Biological Physics 生物物理 Quantum Theory 量子理论
The Department of Physics at the Williams College’s students work closely with faculty on a variety of research projects. Every summer the department hires several students to work in our experimental...

The Department of Physics at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute
photonics 光子学 quantum information theory 量子信息理论
The Department of Physics at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute has research thrusts in Complex Fluids (polymer solutions, surfactants and colloids, light scattering, liquid crystals), Condensed Matt...

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Western Ontario
Quantum Mechanics 量子力学 Statistical Physics 统计物理 Computational Physics 计算物理
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Western Ontario offers graduate programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in either Physics or Astronomy. These are based on a combinatio...

The Department of physics at the Mount Holyoke College
quantum mechanics 量子力学 Particles physics 粒子物理
The Department of physics at the Mount Holyoke College is distingushed by the close relationship between students and faculty, small class sizes, and opportunity for independent work. The nature of th...

The Department of Physics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County
high-energy Physics 高能物理 astrophysics 天体物理
The Department of Physics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s Research opportunities include high-energy astrophysics, atmospheric lidar, satellite atmospheric spectroscopy, electro-optic...