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西北农林科技大学园艺学院苹果抗逆与品质改良创新团队赵涛教授/马锋旺教授团队在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》刊发植物NLR基因分类和演化最新成果(图)
赵涛 马锋旺 Molecular Biology and Evolution 植物免疫 NLR基因

南昌大学生命科学学院青年教师周亚东在《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》发表学术论文(图)
南昌大学生命科学学院 周亚东 Journal of Systematics and Evolution 学术论文 生物多样性 地理格局

浙江大学生命科学学院生态所陈军课题组在Nature Ecology & Evolution发文揭示两种同域分布的栎属植物在全基因组范围上的渐渗模式(图)
浙江大学生命科学学院生态所 陈军 Nature Ecology & Evolution 栎属植物 全基因组 渐渗模式
新疆农业科学院农作物品种资源研究所橡胶草团队在《Ecology and Evolution 》发表文章
新疆农业科学院农作物品种资源研究所 橡胶草 Ecology and Evolution
近日品资所徐麟研究员带领的橡胶草团队撰写的论文“Genetic diversity and evolutionary patterns of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin”(蒲公英橡胶草遗传多样性及进化模式)在生物类SCI期刊《Ecology and Evolution》(2020年影响因子/JCR分区:2.392/Q2)发表。该研究依托国家重点研发项目(绿色、水基、高效、...

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所何念鹏、于贵瑞等在《Trends in Ecology and Evolution》发表论文——构架传统植物功能性状与宏观生态研究的新桥梁(图)
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 何念鹏 于贵瑞 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 传统植物 功能性状 宏观生态
2018年12月5日,国际生态学顶级期刊《Trends in Ecology and Evolution》(IF=15.3)在线刊登了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所的何念鹏和于贵瑞等题为“Ecosystem Traits Linking Traditional Traits to Macroecology” 的学术论文。文章提出了生态系统性状(Ecosystem traits)原创性新概念“Her...
On Darwin's birthday,IU study sheds new light on plant evolution
On Darwin's birthday IU study new light plant evolution
On Charles Darwin’s 207th birthday, a study from Indiana University is shedding new light on the importance of genetic diversity in plants.The work, reported today in the journal PLOS Biology, employs...
New plants of Gnetales from Early Cretaceous of China, and its bearing on the early evolution of Ephedraceae and Welwitschiaceae in Gnetales
Early Cretaceous north China Spinobractea Latibractea Constrobilus
The Gnetales are a higher group of Gymnosperms, but our current knowledge of the morphology of the early Gnetales is lacking. Most known specimens are fragmentary, which makes it difficult to elucidat...
International Conference New Frontiers in Plant Systematics and Evolution
中国植物学会 International Conference New Frontiers Plant Systematics Evolution
Systematic biology faces tremendous challenges and opportunities at the present time. This conference aims at providing an opportunity for plant systematists and evolutionary biologists to review the ...
The diversity and ecology of epiphytic lichens in “Evolution Canyon” II, Lower Nahal Keziv, Upper Western Galilee, Israel
Epiphytic lichens species diversity ecology, biogeography reproductive strategy canonical correspondence analysis
Different populations of epiphytic lichens were studied in a microsite in Lower Nahal Keziv, Western Upper Galilee, Israel, which is designated as an "Evolution Canyon" (EC) II. In all, 24 lichen spec...
The Department of Ecology and Evolution at Uppsala University
plant ecology 植物生态学 animal ecology 动物生态学 population biology 人口生态学
The Department of Ecology and Evolution at Uppsala University carry out research and education in limnology, animal ecology, plant ecology, and population biology.